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Request a team of rowers when it is convenient for you - we will let you know if we are available!
Please submit requests at least 4 days in advance.
Payment is accepted in the form of cash or check made out to Friends of Clemson Crew.
Please review the waiver below prior to hiring our rowers - you may print and sign your own copy to turn in at the time of the job or a copy will be provided for you at this time.
IMPORTANT: we do not provide trucks or any type of equipment for transportation of client property nor do we have movers insurance.
NEED Some help moving furniture? Raking leaves? painting the garage?
Hire our rowers to do the job for you!
Our new Rent-A-Rower program allows anyone in the Clemson area to hire a team of 2 or more of our athletic rowers for an hour for a price of $60. We are experienced in a variety of jobs and are able to do tasks including, but not limited to:​​
Yard work/Landscaping
Dog Sitting
Manual Labor
Jobs can be requested on our Rent-A-Rower form.
All proceeds benefit the team and we could not be more thankful!
If you have any questions, contact
our fundraiser

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